Using biometric authentication instead of passwords is a great way to improve the security of your business systems. You have probably seen television shows and movies
where hackers are able to “crack the code.” This is not made up by Hollywood!
Changes to data protection laws, company policies, as well as greater risks
posed by cybercriminals to information systems has led to rapid advances and
implementation of the technology for various access control situations.
Passwords and PIN numbers used to be useful sometime back, but gone are their days. If
you want something to be totally and completely secure, you should look into
biometric authentication provided by loginid.
Biometrics are simply body measurements and calculations related to human characteristics.
Biometrics authentication is commonly used in computer science as a form of
identification and access control. It isessentially a way of proving that you are who you claim to be with your body,
not by remembering a set of numbers or a word.
There are various advantages of switching to biometric authentication in your
business. First of all, it leads to improved security. Biometric authentication
provides a secure as well as uncrackable access control solution that does not expose
your information to cybercriminals. No one can leave their keys somewhere or
tell someone else their password.
Another benefit of this technology is that it provides higher accuracy. Fingerprint
scanners are one of the world’s most sophisticated biometric modalities. They
are said to provide almost 100 percent of accuracy during authentication.
Last but not least, biometric authentication provides faster access. Typing in a
secure password takes a long time, if you even if you manage remember it. If
you do not remember the password, it takes minutes or longer to retrieve it and
get access again. Compared to this, a fingerprint scanner can lock and unlock
your workstation or device very quickly.
For more information on the benefits of using biometric authentication technology, visit our website at